Gas: hot
- 鑫 王
Gas: cold
- 坚 富
我们介绍一种新的模拟宇宙再电离和加热过程的半数值方法 SIRIUS (Simulation of IGM Reionization In the Universe with Shell-wise method)。国际流行的半数值模拟软件21cmFAST是基于excursion set model of reionization,在大尺度上有一定局限性。SIRIUS对标21cmFAST,但采用了完全不同的近似方案:利用一维辐射转移近似模拟紫外光子的辐射转移,并利用球壳窗口函数进行数值加速;同时,采用线性微扰再电离模型模拟X射线光子的辐射转移和加热效应。我们的新方法在单光源测试中获得与解析解一致的结果,并在宇宙学物质场的再电离测试中获得有效的结果。
The gas components play very important role in the baryon cycles and evolution processes in galaxy formation. In this talk, we present our recent work on simulating the observations of HI gas in ISM and hot ionized gas in CGM and ICM.
For the cold gas, we generate the mock observation of the 21cm interferometer signals by radio arrays for HI gas in galaxies. We developed a software OmniUV,...
Hot ionized gas is important in the baryon cycle of galaxies and may contribute the majority of their “missing baryons”. Up till now, most semi-analytic models of galaxy formation have paid little attention to the hot gaseous haloes and their X-ray emission. In this paper, we adopt the one-dimensional model from Sharma et al. instead of the isothermal sphere in L-Galaxies...
Recently, the high metallicity in the outskirts of galaxy clusters has been puzzling and asks for a deeper investigation of the transport mechanisms in the intracluster medium (ICM). We studied the transport mechanisms in the ICM using tracer particle re-simulation of the Omega500 cosmological hydrosimulation, and focused on the particle transport during major mergers. We used pair dispersion...
Gas is the essential component in a galaxy that dominates its evolution. It also provides insight into the large-scale structure and the evolution of the Universe. In this talk, I will introduce an overview of treatments of gas and star formation in our updated semi-analytic model. Our model includes a self-consistent partition of HI and H$_2$ in the cold gas disk, as well as environmental...
Accurately modeling the cold gas content in the universe is challenging for current theoretical models. We propose a new empirical model NeutralUniverseMachine to describe the evolution of HI and H2 gas along with the dark matter halos based on the UniverseMachine catalog. It is able to accurately fit the observed HI and H2 mass functions, molecular-to-atomic ratio, HI-halo mass relation,...
We present a new H I mass estimator that relates log10(MHI/M*) to a linear combination of four galaxy properties: stellar surface mass density, color index u − r, stellar mass, and concentration index, with the scatter of individual galaxies around the mean H I mass modeled with a Gaussian distribution function. We calibrate the estimator using the xGASS sample, including both H I detection...