Cosmology: Measurements & Detections
- Jun Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
The accelerating expansion of the universe is one of the most mysterious phenomena. Cosmic acceleration implies the existence of dark energy or the breakdown of Einstein’s general relativity. Either way, revealing the source of cosmic acceleration can result in a paradigm shift in modern physics. Weak gravitational lensing is a subtle, coherent distortion of distant galaxy images due to...
The spatial distribution of galaxies contains a significant amount of information of the underlying cosmology. However, fully extracting this information can be challenging, especially at small scale due to the non-linearity of the dark matter dynamics, as well as the complicated physics of galaxy formation and evolution. I will introduce the emulator approach in the modeling of galaxy large...
The apparent shape of galaxy clustering depends on the adopted cosmology used to convert observed redshift to comoving distance, the r(z) relation, as it changes the line elements along and across the line of sight differently. The Alcock-Paczyński (AP) test exploits this property to constrain the expansion history of the universe. We present an extensive review of past studies on the AP test....
We report a $\sim5.8\sigma$ detection of the kinetic Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (kSZ) effect in Fourier space, by combining the DESI galaxy clusters and the Planck data. We use the density-weighted pairwise kSZ power spectrum as the summary statistic, and the detailed procedure of the measurement is presented in this paper. Selected by a varying lower mass threshold $M_{\rm th}$, the galaxy cluster...