halo: dark matter profile
- Jiaxin Han (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
One of the most persistent small-scale challenges to the LCDM paradigm is the striking structural diversity of dwarf galaxies. Cosmological simulations struggle in reproducing the full range of galaxy size or the inner dark-matter distribution as inferred from kinematics observations. While there have been efforts resorting to fine-tuning baryonic feedback and environmental effects, simple...
Mock member stars for dwarf galaxies are constructed from the cosmological AURIGA simulation, which reflects the dynamical status of realistic stellar tracers. Axisymmetric Jeans Anisotropic Multi-Gaussian Expansion (JAM) modeling is applied to each system to recover the underlying matter distribution. The stellar or dark matter component individually is poorly recovered, but the total profile...
Mapping the dark matter distribution in the Universe is of fundamental importance for both galaxy evolution and cosmology.
Observationally, one of the outstanding questions regarding dark matter is the so-called "core vs. cusp problem": how steep is the inner dark matter density profile of galaxies? The answer to this question can give us important insight on the relative importance of...