Jun 19 – 23, 2023
SJTU & Suzhou Bay
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Simulating the observations of hot gas and cold gas in ISM and CGM

Jun 23, 2023, 9:20 AM
Hengli Hotel

Hengli Hotel

Talk Gas Gas


Dr 坚 富 (shanghai astronomical observatory)


The gas components play very important role in the baryon cycles and evolution processes in galaxy formation. In this talk, we present our recent work on simulating the observations of HI gas in ISM and hot ionized gas in CGM and ICM.
For the cold gas, we generate the mock observation of the 21cm interferometer signals by radio arrays for HI gas in galaxies. We developed a software OmniUV, which offer the ability to simulate the visibility data and image reconstructions. We use the HI gas outputs from Illustris-TNG and L-Galaxies to generate the 21cm signals of HI gas by radio arrays and adopt the configurations of SKA1-mid and MeerKAT into OmniUV and generate the visibility data and reconstruct the mock images for HI gas in nearby universe. The work can help to test the observations strategies and data processing for HI sources by future interferometer arrays, like SKA, FASTA etc.
For the ionized hot gas, we use the model outputs of our recent semi-analytic models with the radial distribution of hot gas profiles. We generate the mock X-ray spectra with SOXS package and derive the mock images in soft X-ray band. We also make some predictions for the future survey of hot baryons by X-ray facilities (e.g.for HUBS), which should help the target selection for future observations.

Primary author

Dr 坚 富 (shanghai astronomical observatory)

Presentation materials